Friday 13 November 2009

'Did You Bring It?' Preliminary Task & Evaluation

Preliminary Task Evaluation

I believe that the film we made doesn't demonstrate continuity very well. Several parts of our film show that we didn't really think about it too closely. Some examples of this is that after our establishing shot, which includes Jo Roberts, Lucy Clark, Abi Crafter and myself sitting round a table with Laura in the background, waiting. The next shot is of Jeni coming through the door, and us sitting round the table isn't there anymore and also Laura is standing in the doorway at the side.

Throughout the film, we generally make use of match on action. But we made sure we used the 180-degree rule as to not confuse our audience. Also, shot reverse shot to show who was talking at that moment in time.

I feel our group worked well together. We co-operated with each other and asked opinions. I would've liked the use of the programme to be used by each of in turn, instead of one person having main control of what was being done and added.

If we were to do this filming again, I would improve on the continuity of it. There were several times, of which I've mentioned above, where it was shown to be poor. I would also make the set more believable and good to look at. For parts of our filming also, we needed to have the cameras at the different heights and angles for it to look effective.

I don't think we planned out video very well, and I think we could definately improve if we had to do it again. I would do a test run first and make sure the actors knew their places and lines and put the right effectiveness to what they were saying to make it believable to the audience.

We added music to our piece and also added a title page. We used transitions to fade out and in between scenes to smooth the running from scene to scene instead of it just being changed.

The editing software was very complicated to use and it took us a while to get used to the different style of programme. We've learnt the basics of the programme, such as how to use transitions and cut scenes where we want them. We came across a problem where Laura was standing in the corner of a scene which she wasn't meant to be in, so we had to crop the shot so she wasn't in it anymore. But we found that we were unable to do this, so it made it difficult for us and it added to the poor continuity of our piece.