Sunday 7 November 2010

Sophie Tindall Re-Sit Initial Ideas

Together, me and Jo sat down and created a mind-map on an A3 piece of paper of all the things we think of when presented with the word 'horror'. From here we then went into depth in each category and thought of aspects we can include within that aspect of the horror genre.

Sophie Tindall Re-Sit

Any work following this post will be all my re-sit work and corrections to previous work and posts.

Friday 26 March 2010

Final Film

This is our final edit for 'Peephole'.

Thursday 25 March 2010

Updated Evaluation

What I have mainly added:

- Female representation
- Picture and labels of Katie and room
- Male representation
- Slide after Mr Jones's friends dialouge
- Slide on Katie’s room
- Changed about hammer
- Another slide on Universal Pictures
- Added 2 extra slides on Preliminary Task
- Audience Feedback

I have changed around some wording and spelling and added sentences on another slides.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Filming Schedule for Peephole

This is our filming schedule. I looked at planning for both weeks of the school timetable as we were unsure as which of the two weeks we would be allocated. The top section is a brief plan is week A (which we are NOT filming in) and the bottom section is week B (which we are filming in). This helps us to plan in advance where we will film and when so we are fully organised.

Click here to see this on our group blog.

Shot List

This is the final shot list we used to create our film. The shots highlighted yellow are the shots we did not use eventually due to us deciding against the idea or just not having enough time to film. The rest of the shots are coloured purple to show that those shots are used within our final film.

The shot list was helpful when we were filming because we already had planned what we were filming/shooting so it was just a matter of doing what we planned.

Click here
to see the shot list.

Thursday 25 February 2010

Wednesday 10 February 2010


As we have to have original music, I went home and me and my Sister (who does play the piano!) to record some music we thought would fit. We took a nursery rhyme sound and we put this over out opening credits and through the first few shots. We thought this was effective because the nature of a nursery rhyme reflected with the nature of this film if eerie and achieves the childlike atmosphere we were aiming for with Jenni.

Film Diary

Monday 18th January 2010; Day 1
Today we did the shots of Mr Jones getting out of the car, Katie at the school gate, the following down the alley and Katie writing down the names in the classroom then scribbling them out. My contribution to these was the filming of Mr Jones getting out of the car and also ideas with the rest of my group on how we should film it. We talked about redoing the alley shot another day, because we agreed it was too long and we didn’t have the amount of time we wanted to get it perfect.

Tuesday 19th January; Day 2
Today, we organised the photographs and objects that we will use for “The Wall”. We’ve been taking photographs of our main character Mr Jones to add to this. We have also been collecting various numbers of everyday objects such as public transport tickets, cinemas tickets and bits of paper to add to the overall stalking effect. Tomorrow, we will use these and put them on the wall at Hazel’s. Any footage we now have, Jo and I added in Adobe Premier Elements. My contribution the “The Wall” was organizing any photographs we wanted and printed them out.

Wednesday 20th January; Day 3
Today we went to Hazel’s house to film the scenes with Katie. We wanted to give the room a neglected feel and to show that Katie was uncared for. We blocked the window with a blue sheet which gave the room dark and for the walls we used a plain light bulb with no cover so the light was very stark. There was only a grey mattress in the room making it look like a prison cell, which we aimed for to make Katie look neglected.
Throughout the day, we made our fake blood (see below) and added more complex ideas. For example, Katie at the end is holding a knife in her hands – which we used in Hazel’s house from her kitchen – and with the blood dripping it makes it look like Katie has been self harming. We as the producers of this film know that is not the case, but we agree that the ending is now very ambiguous which we hope would want to make people watch on. My contribution to this was the filming of the door, the second angle Katie’s monologue and also the panning upwards towards Katie’s face.

Thursday 21st January; Day 4
Today we filmed at lunch, as it was just Jo and I; we did the shot where Mr Jones gives Katie her work and also the star pupil faces. We were very pleased with our efforts. My contribution to the filming of this was the star pupil’s faces and also the close-up of Katie’s and Mr Jones’s hands.

Friday 22nd January; Day 5
Today we were at Hazel’s house we did the scenes with Mr Jones and his friend having a conversation where Mr Jones is confessing his anxiety. We didn’t stick to the script we made, as our actors forgot their copies and we had none spare. It took us a while to get this scene perfect but when we looked back over it, the lighting quality was very poor so we are going to re-film this as soon as possible. We also shot the scene of Mr Jones going in and then out again of this front door; as we are now not using the shot of inside the house, we therefore can’t use these.

Tuesday 26th January; Day 6
Jo and I re-filmed the scene with Mr Jones and his friend today. As we were unable to use Hazel’s house because of the lighting, we used the family room kitchen within our school and this was effective as we got Mr Jones to clean, therefore making the shot more realistic.


As we have to have original music, I went home and me and my Sister (who does play the piano!) to record some music we thought would fit. We took almost a nursery rhyme sound and we put this over out opening credits and through the first few shots. We thought this was effective because the nature of a nursery rhyme reflected with the nature of this film.

Friday 5 February 2010

Fake Blood and other Props.

During filming on the Wednesday, Hazel and I made the fake blood that was to be used in the scene with Jennifer.
We mixed ketchup and water in a bowl but when it became too runny we added some icing sugar with the intent to make the mixture thicker to resemble blood more. Then, we added some red food colouring the make the perfect and realistic colour of red.
To see photo's of this fake blood click here to see the group blog.

We also looked at different knives, and discussed the pros and cons for each knife. These are on the group blog.
Also we used:
- Chairs: For students and Jenni to sit on.
- Mattress - For Jenni's room.
- Fake blood - click here
- Photos and blue tac - To add to the wall for an authentic look of stalking.
- Receipts - As above.
- Post-it notes - As above.
- A box of matches - To light the credits.
- Tables - To empathise the school environment.
- A car - For Mr Jones to get out of.
- A door - To show Mr Jones's house.
- A pen - To write and scribble the names.
- Paper - To aid the above.

Click here to see this on our group blog.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Gantt Charts

I also was main control of the Gantt Chart and it was updated regularly.
Click to see the first, second and third gantt charts.
This helped us to plan our time wisely and for us to decide who is doing what and when and also to make sure we all got equal things to do. It has helped us to learn how to plan our time which has been crucial for filming.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Location Scouting

As I have previously stated, I had an idea to use Clacton beach which eventually we discarded. We all contributed ideas and went around the school grounds together to chose where we would like to film.
Click here to see the full location scouting.

Casting and auditions

For this, we all contributed equally to who we would chose to play the part of the Stalker. My own personal contribution was taking photographs of the girls we looked at and the reasons why we have chosen/not chosen them in detail.
Click here to see my final list of female cast.

This is our audition video.

Monday 1 February 2010

Institution Logo

I helped to write a post on our group blog explaining why we chose to do what we did for our institution logo. Click here to see the full version.

Sunday 17 January 2010

Similar Media Works.

For this, we had to create a powerpoint looking into the different aspects of horror. For this I created slides; 6, 7, 8, 9 and 15 which was; technical codes, analysing the use of techical codes, Mise-En-Scene and example of Mise-En-Scene and also a film brief of "The Omen".

Click here to see our Similar Media Works Powerpoint.

Target Audience Profile.

For this task, we had to research into the types of audience who will watch horrors and who we will aim ours at. For this I looked into film classifications to see where our film would fit in.

As part of our film and planning we need to decide what age rating we will put our horror film. We decided to look at the BBFC website at the different age ratings and which we could relate to our film to help us decide. As most horror films are a 15 rating this is where we are focusing, but as our film doesn't involve much gore we are looking from 12 upwards.
Below are the definations of the age ratings from the BBFC website, from age rating 12 to 18. I looked at the subjects that may be involved in our horror films, such as the horror, violence, language and the theme. Subjects such as nudity and sex will not be involved in our film.

- Horror; "Moderate physical and psychological threat may be
permitted, provided disturbing sequences are not frequent or sustained."
- Violence; "Moderate violence is allowed but should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood, but occasional gory moments may be permitted if justified by the context. Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly and discreetly indicated, and must have a strong contextual justification."
- Language; "Moderate language is allowed. The use of strong language (for example, ‘f**k’) must be infrequent."
- Theme; "Mature themes are acceptable, but their treatment must be suitable for young teenagers."

- Horror; "Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised."
- Violence; "Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification."
- Language; "There may be frequent use of strong language (for example,‘f**k’). The strongest terms (for example, ‘c**t’) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable."
- Theme; "No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds."

- "In line with the consistent findings of the BBFC’s public consultations and The Human Rights Act 1998, at ‘18’ the BBFC’s guideline concerns will not normally override the principle that adults should be free to choose their own entertainment."

All information taken from http://http//

This work is also on the group blog. This information helped us where to age rate our film.


For this, we equally contributed with ideas but I put together pages 1, 2 and half of 3. I also took photographs to be used.

To see this go to our group blog. Click here to see the storyboards.

We also made an animatic storyboard to help explain the storyboard which me and Hazel completed but which I spoke for half of.

To see this click here.